Weekly Vlog: Crazy Dogs, Bearded Lady & Target (1/19-1/24/15)

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Pre-bedtime wrestling match.

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  1. This was so fun hanging out with you for the week. You cracked me up when
    you didn’t put on your mascara lol. The other day I left without my blush
    :). I kept wondering why I looked so pale. I thought I might be getting
    sick lol. PS. Totally spied the Sephora bags on your shelf :). I look
    forward to the next one! Xo Linda

  2. You had me cracking up with the ‘bearded lady’ mask 😉 And I can totally
    relate to staying up too late just thinking too much in bed. Love your
    scarf on Friday morning!! I hate blue cheese dressing, but an do the
    crumbles on my salad lol. Your dogs are so cute, love seeing them on your
    vlogs xoMelissa

  3. I enjoy your vlogs, your dogs, and your….beard – lol! Tell Mendi we miss
    her and wish her well :)

  4. Lilly got so excited when you were asking your dogs if they wanted to go
    outside! The UD palette looks beautiful on your eyes! Hope you are having a
    great week! xx V.

  5. I’m loving your weekly vlogs!

    The food thing is so interesting, when I was a kid I wouldn’t eat cheese of
    any kind and you couldn’t get me near sour cream. Now? ALL THE DAIRY!!!!
    I’m doing this thing at the moment where I’m trying either something new or
    re-trying something I think I don’t like once a month, just to see what I
    can find!

    Jade and Barclay are SO cute, they seem like the sweetest pups!

    I hope you’re enjoying your Sunday, I’m looking forward to next weeks vlog

  6. Love your dogs! I have a viszla and a Weimaraner. We were watching ur video
    and when you were saying “you hungry” my
    Weim turned around! I was no ur not eating! Haha 

  7. I am so enjoying these vlogs. Ranger loves to play with my husband the
    same way it’s so cute! Have a great week. xoxox

  8. Loving the blogs, and the dogs ; )
    When I was a kid I HATED brussel sprouts, I love cabbage but not those damn
    little brussel sprouts and I still struggle lol. As well as eggs, the smell
    early in the morning still makes me nauseous and repelled and they are such
    a great snack or part of your daily regime. I can only do an omelet or
    scrambled really dry and maybe add cheese, cause that helps everything
    lmao. Our Target is leaving, not that they compared to the US stores at
    all so I won’t miss them, AND our local Walmart finally turned into a
    superstore so yea for fresh produce and meat while shopping for makeup!
    speaking of makeup, they are now finally carrying Flower Beauty and I
    picked up an eyeshadow quad in Foxy Browns and so far I really like it, for
    a budget brand ; )
    Thanks for sharing. 

  9. Hey Jayme! Look forward to your vlog each week. I LOVE TARGET!! Go in for
    Tide and come out with a cart full of stuff I don’T need!! Love seekng the
    2 beards-yours and Wes!! Have a good week girl!

  10. Jade is hysterical!! My Grissum does the same thing when I mention hungry
    or if there’s food on the counter when he comes in from the yard… He
    sasses me and turns his head as not to look at me. Fresh they are, just
    You look positively gorgeous on your Friday clip!! And I love your hair
    back in a bun..very pretty. Enjoy your weekend dear.
    Oh… Asparagus. Was always disgusted by the mere sight of it, till about
    4months ago we were out and someone said it has to be done right and this
    is…I did and really liked it. I amazed myself. Actually still am. 

  11. I really enjoyed this, but dang it now I want to go to Target! Glad Mendi
    is just taking a break, and glad you are still making videos. 

  12. Thank you for another wonderful vlog. It brightens up my day to have you
    smiling and chatting away whilst I cook and clean 🙂 I used to hate broad
    beans as a child. They made me shudder and cry. When I was an adult I was
    talking to one of my husband’s relatives who is a chef. He told me to take
    the skins off the beans. Well, it is a lot of work but so so worth. Broad
    beans are the most sublime buttery tasty little pieces of joy to me now :-)

  13. I enjoyed your Vlog Jayme Thanks for keeping up YouTube with out Mendi.
    You’re doing a GREAT job!

  14. Awwh I love watching your vlogs! Your nails look so great still! I’d love
    to see your makeup choices for the day I know that’s hard to remember to do
    everyday though! ☺️you’re doing a great job! 

  15. Tell us what’s on your nails!! I’m distracted by the awesome, glittery mani
    you have :)

  16. I just love watching these.
    I adore bleu cheese!! I ate eggs when I was younger but they are so
    disgusting to me now.
    We confine our dogs to the kitchen when we leave and Molly is usually the
    one to push the gate and makes my husband so pissed at her.
    I miss seeing you and Mendi together, for a while I thought she might be
    pregnant or just not feeling the wintertime but either way, we miss her and
    hope she comes back again. I still get to see you guys on IG. I have been
    horrible about blogging, life just gets in the way sometimes.

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