Here’s a funny video from You Tube showing a very funny cat

Recorded by the inhouse production team (as I understand it, a group of youth volunteers, some as young as 15-16 years old! Great job guys!), produced by Tom…

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  1. I’ll see if I can get the full Benicassim set up during the next week, that
    will have to suffice. No promises though, as I have it on a dvd & it’s been
    ages since I last ripped one of those. Oh, and I’m going to the gig on the
    4th, can’t wait either! I haven’t seen them live since the mk2 days back at
    Roskilde Festival 2000, where it way much more improvised than now (not to
    mention we were treated to a rarity: Banstyle/Sappys Curry).

  2. A W E S O M E !!! Saw thm on 29th Feb 2008 as a rescheduled gig here and it
    totally kicked – thanks for this !!!!

  3. Love underworld! Saw them at Rockness last year. Was never sure if the
    inflatable columns were meant to fall. Guess they are after all! 🙂

  4. Wow, I have the same deal! I discovered the Chemical Brothers when I heard
    “Under the Influence” in Wipe3out. It took me many years to notice the
    game-disk was also a CD… I should probably buy something buy Underworld
    or others too!

  5. In the stage, the music must be complemented with the visuals, so: the pop
    singers have a lot of dancer and dull coreography; the rock bands have a
    lot of fireworks and shitless guys (huag) and the psyco music have a lot of
    shiny lights with psychedelic effects only for junkys; but underworld,
    their complement their music with art in the stage, nothing more but art,
    jus beautiful. PD. pardon my english jeje

  6. THE CD/music was sold as i bought it but the video / stream was not and as
    i wa at the Roundhouse i was unable to catch the stream and so far not
    found it online. So any chance of more

  7. Never ever seen Trainspotting, just stumbled across their music around
    2002, thought it was brilliant ! Original, if I had any musical talent at
    all, these guys literally make what I think in my head! Who cares about
    “Trains” they have been great for years and Beaucupp Fish is one of the few
    albums I can recommend regularly through the years.

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