FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/sawardega SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/wardegasa?sub_confirmation=1 Muzyka pochodzi z katalogów X-Ray Dog, Kosinus i West One Music.

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    That is not a real spider. It’s a dog in what looks like a spider cloak.
    Spiders don’t not get that big anyways cause they mostly get about 3 inches
    big at least. If they did get bigger than that it would be magic. But magic
    is real fake stop believing videos like that you guys are smarter then it. 

  2. Ladies and Gentlemen … Thanks! Really thank you for this amazing
    fairytale moments. Me and my dog are very very happy to see 33 mln views. I
    was dreaming to get 10 mln views in 1 week… but you gave me 33mln in less
    than 3 days. Thank you for subscribe to my channel… i will do my best and
    i will make more videos to make you laugh and make you happy. Thank you!
    You are Awesome! You are my friends!!! Yeyeyey!
    Please subscribe to my channel:

  3. You’re lucky you didn’t try this shit on me. I carry a revolver and if I
    was on that situation, I would have shot that dog right there and then.
    This prank isn’t funny, who wouldn’t take action if a animal is charging at
    them? It’s only a matter of time before someone puts that dog in his place.

  4. もし怖がった人が犬を蹴ってケガでもさせたらどうするんだろう?
    What if the guy who were scared attacked the dog?
    You shouldn’t have done that if you really care about your dog.

  5. This is one of the very few videos that i disliked. This prank really goes
    serious. You have really nice creative talent but you just scared ppl in a
    very bad way. Your channel worths 2M subscribers or may be more but this
    video doesn’t worth this bunch of likes ; in my opinion. 

  6. This guy is a budding Roman Polanski and the “frightened” people are paid
    actors. Or his friends. People can easily see the dog under the costume.
    Perhaps the authorities should be alerted for animal abuse. Think about it.
    If someone was actually frightened and was injured while fleeing they would
    have grounds for a LAW SUIT just like Samantha Geimer did when she was
    raped by Roman Polanski causing him to flee from the authorities.
    Romannnnn, come out, come out wherever you are……

  7. Pies pająk stał się już hitem nad hitami. 😛
    Zapraszamy również na nasz kanał do obejrzenia filmiku pt “Polski
    Terminator” kręconego w Łodzi.
    Z góry przepraszamy za spam. ;)

  8. من أكثر المقاطع مشاهدة ع اليوتيوب
    يخلع شوية لكن
    ومش طويل

  9. Kończymy rok 2014 z 123 milionami 102 tysiącami 376 wyświetleń oraz 632 k
    024 łapek w góre! i niestety 36 k 303 łapek w dół :C Szczesliwego nowego
    roku all!

  10. #Youtube ha publicado el #ranking de los vídeos más vistos en el 2014 … y
    El merecido número 1 es esta macabra cámara oculta ideada por un joven
    polaco en la que un perro-araña mutante, persigue a gente por las calles de
    madrugada. Sencillamente genial.

  11. Try that here in America. I dare you. No doubt your prank will be shot and
    killed. Fucking Retarded.

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