I hope you enjoy this video showing a kitten

SUb – comment – like- Wish i had some kitties Also check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GR6YNQWQ78 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KASJkre2W8c https://…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

バンザイをする子猫 - Banzai kitten -

仰向けに寝ながらバンザイをする子猫(おはぎ)です。 【blog http://ameblo.jp/nesuko2ne2si/entry-10989058040.html】

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  1. poor koko. I would kill myself if i had to listen to that annoying high
    pitched voice all day.

  2. when watching all of the videos with koko that blonde lady seems to not
    understand a thing about koko. she acts like shes uncomfortable and
    doesn’t know what to do. she was scared about the cat but koko made room to
    get through the hole with the cat on her back just like the video about
    kokos shirt(just 2 examples) that lady acts like shes working with a
    mentally challenged kid and is uncomfortable about it. what a waste for
    koko needed someone with passion and excitement for how amazing this animal
    is, not an awkward lady that doesn’t understand

  3. Wow that Gorilla has the power to tear a human limb from limb and she is so
    delicate and gentle with those kittens. Amazing to see such compassion from
    this animal that could destroy everything around her in a matter of
    moments. Koko <3

  4. Gorilla The Most powerful Ape Race and even the most harmful Ape race.. You
    Can pet even a fullgrown Male Gorilla that you raised as Baby.. but u cant
    never pet a Fullgrown male Chimp because their so unpredictable and

  5. such a smart and powerful animal, she seems to be so gentle with the

  6. She should be in a natural environment, outdoors.

    These Humans who Reign over Her have income.

    They should build Her a home fit for a Gorilla.

    One infused with Nature & The Sun & Water Pools.


    Not in a small cramped room with absurd kids toys.

    Not under florescent lighting.

    How much money has been made off Her captivity & study?

    She should be living in a calm, natural, open, uncrowded outdoor/indoor


  7. this crazy humans making hell for these animals..leave them alone…never
    happy not knowing everything.

  8. how come this gorilla is so tame? its really nice, but i’d be worried about
    it turning.. only needs a few seconds to do a lot of damage to a person.

  9. Someone should donate money so that they can adopt a baby gorilla just for
    koko forever

  10. I do believe that Humans do come from Apes because they do match up to
    humans with different things and they can be just liked us with there

  11. とっても可愛い。

    The kitten is very cute…!
    I would like to live together a cat in the future.

  12. Soft kitty warm kitty little ball of fur. Happy kitty sleepy kitty purr
    purr purr

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