Fishing Cat Kittens Explore Their Yard at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Check out these cat images:

Fishing Cat Kittens Explore Their Yard at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo
Image by Smithsonian’s National Zoo
Photo Credit: Clyde Nishimura, Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Visitors to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo can now see its three-month-old fishing cat kittens exploring, playing, climbing and fishing on Asia Trail. The kittens and their mother, Electra, will be on exhibit from approximately 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day, weather permitting. They are most active in the morning.

The kittens’ birth May 18 marked an important milestone: this is the first time fishing cats have successfully bred and produced young at the National Zoo. Initially, Asia Trail staff monitored Electra and her offspring through a closed-circuit camera, which allowed the family time to bond. Over the last few months, keepers have worked closely with the cats to build trust and train behaviors that help animal care staff evaluate their health. Zoo visitors can see their father, Lek, in a neighboring yard.

To follow the kittens’ development, read Great Cat Communiqué and check for news on the Zoo’s Facebook page and Twitter feed.

A cat in black & white
Image by Stefán Freyr | Skyzography
A cat I noticed while waiting in a car. Shame I couldn’t frame the whole tail.

F1 Savannah cat FOCUS and cat scratcher/toy
Image by broadsurf
See: — Here is F1 Savannah cat FOCUS and cat scratcher/toy taken at the home of Kathrin and Martin Stucki in Oklahoma, USA.

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