Dogs Annoying Cats with Their Friendship – Copyright: Huffington Post…

Zoomer Zuppies Interactive Puppy – Spot

Zoomer Zuppies Interactive Puppy - Spot

  • Spot is your very own cuddly puppy! She’s the quirky, funny and game-playing Zuppie made just for you.
  • Share secrets, play interactive games and watch Spot share her secret tricks as she responds to your touch! The more you nurture her, the more she’ll share!
  • Spot plays fun interactive music, has articulated legs and interactive LED eyes that light up bright as you play with her.
  • Spot the Zoomer Zuppie is the personal puppy for girls ages 5+ and requires 3 AAA batteries for operation.
  • Includes: 1 Zoomer Zuppie, 1 Instruction booklet

Zoomer Zuppies Interactive Puppy – Spot

Your Very Own Personal Pup

Create a unique bond with your own Zoomer Zuppy tea-cup pup! Each Zoomer Zuppy has a distinct personality, just like you. If you like to be quirky and funny, then Spot is the Zuppy meant just for you. Give Spot lots of cuddles and tummy scratches to show just how much you care. The more you nurture and play, the happier Spot will be and the more fun tricks Spot will share with you. Bring home a bundle of puppy joy with your very own cute and cuddly Spot Zoomer Zuppy!

Zuppies Have Moods

Just like us, Spot experiences different emotions and moods, which you can affect by your interactions together. You don’t want Spot to get sad or angry. Nurturing and cuddling your new pup will keep Spot happy. Spot and all of the other Zoomer Zuppy pups each have a distinct personality, just like you! Glam, edgy, funky, quirky, sweet, and more . .. Find the Zuppy that suits your style best and make him or her your own

Your Zuppy Reacts to Touch

Pet, play, and wave your hand, and Spot will react and respond accordingly. Scratch Spot’s chest and you’ll be rewarded with happy barks and panting noises. Press Spot’s nose and back buttons in different combinations to activate various reactions and activities. Spot will also interact with big brother Zoomer!

Zuppies Play Music

Tap Spot’s back and nose and you’ll get a musical treat! Spot loves to play songs and you can enjoy a dance party together. You can even make your own custom music by adding barks to the track. Just tap Spot’s head when you want to bark to the beat. How about changing Spot’s instrument sound from piano to guitar and back? You and Spot can make beautiful music, together!

Play Games

You can even play interactive games with your Zoomer Zuppy! Spot’s eyes will light up when you play Ping Pong, Brick Breaker, Bop It, and Higher Lower together. Playing more games will keep Spot engaged and happy

Why You’ll Love Zoomer Zuppies
  • Like a real puppy, each Zuppy has a unique personality
  • Zuppies experience different emotions and moods
  • They react to movement and touch
  • Just like a real puppy, Zuppies love to play and will reward you with happy barks and panting noises
  • Zoomer Zuppies are for children ages 5+ who can’t wait to adopt a real puppy. Require 3 AAA batteries for operation (not included). Instruction booklet included.
Zoomer Zuppies the ‘just for me puppy’

Zoomer Zuppies are your personal interactive puppies that love to play with you. The more you play, the more you unlock. Each pup has their own secret tricks, games, music modes and unique ways to play. Nurture them with attention and they will share their love and happiness through their eyes and sounds.

List Price: $ 39.99


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    This is such a cute video for both cat lovers and dog lovers. At first the
    dogs’ advances are rejected, but with “dogged” determination (do you like
    what I’ve done there?

  2. And look at us,busy bombing raping shooting torturing beheading executing
    nuking beating kidnapping lynching each other.



    This is such a cute video for both cat lovers and dog lovers. At first the
    dogs’ advances are rejected, but with “dogged” determination (do you like
    what I’ve done there?


    This is such a cute video for both cat lovers and dog lovers. At first the
    dogs’ advances are rejected, but with “dogged” persistence (do you like
    what I’ve done there?

  5. Chi ha detto che il cane è il miglior ‘nemico’ del gatto?
    Quando vivono sotto lo stesso tetto, capita normalmente che essi si
    ignorino e che il carattere gioviale del cane si contrapponga a quello più
    introverso del gatto.

    La cosa peggiore che può capitare ad un gatto che vuole oziare
    tranquillamente in casa è un cane sdolcinato che vuole condividere tutto il
    suo affetto!

    #animali #cane #gatto #coccole

  6. Вечно эти собаки пристают к котам со своей дружбой. Хочешь поиграть? Я хочу
    поиграть. А ты хочешь поиграть? Давай поиграем! 


    This is such a cute video for both cat lovers and dog lovers. At first the
    dogs’ advances are rejected, but with “dogged” determination (do you like
    what I’ve done there?

  8. Its not just another cute dog/cat video. Its a great example of our
    relationship over the last 20 years. Eventually the dogs wear the cats
    down, and the love is returned. ;)

  9. Very sweet! I had a cat who would stand on her back legs to rub her head
    under my Aussie’s chin. However, a word of caution: cats can injure a dog’s
    eyes. Supervision is always a good policy.

  10. This is my dog with my cats.
    Thecla wants to play with our cats, the cats thinks she is nuts!!! Lol!!!

    But, sometimes they sleep together peacefully. 

  11. So sweet, and this gives me hope that our new puppy and our cat will
    eventually become friends. The pup’s in love with kitty, but so far kitty
    seems to be finding her tiresome and silly.

  12. Dog voice to follow; Stoopit kat..never wanna play..only scratch…Stoopit
    Kat!! Hey! Theres my toy!! Yuwm yuwm yuwm!! Hey! Theres my master!! Bark
    bark love you master!! Bark bark kat is stoopit!! end voice.

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