How to best choose a puppy 🙂
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The HSUS’s Animal Rescue Team came to the aid of more than 200 dogs and puppies, along with dozens of birds and nine horses, living in awful conditions at a …
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Goldie (The Puppy Place)

Goldie (The Puppy Place)

  • Great product!
Welcome to the Puppy Place! This new Little Apple series stars a lovable new puppy in every book! And it’s Charles and Lizzie Peterson’s job to find every puppy the perfect home.

Charles and Lizzie Peterson love puppies. They want a puppy of their own more than just about anything. They know dogs are a lot of work. But their mom still doesn’t think their family is ready for a puppy.

Then, Goldie arrives. She is a sweet golden retriever that needs a home. Goldie is very young. She doesn’t know how to be a good puppy yet. Will Charles and Lizzie be able to help her?

List Price: $ 4.99


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  1. cuteness of the day 🙂

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  2. Cuteness of the day 🙂

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  3. Manhood….. Draining…. Must bang head on fall or eat slim jim to recover
    my manliness.

  4. Boxers are dangerous. When they get big enough ,they will rip that baby’s
    face right off. Their is nothing you can do with that . I was attacked by
    one once. I still have scars. Those puppies should be put down.

  5. saliorman, Boxers arent dangerous. They are only dangerous if they are
    treated bad. The boxer that “attacked” you could have been playing with
    you, if he wasn’t then he/she could have been abused by they’re owner. I
    have a boxer and i raised her right. So you think these puppies should be
    put down? Think again, I bet they’re owners dont neglect them nor abuse
    them. Boxers are sweet dogs. Just saying.

  6. Cuteness of the day 🙂

    U want more Daily fun ? Cool And Funny Pictures?
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  7. puppies are like ” have some shit fresh off my ass straight from my tongue
    baby ” .

    ” ya ! good baby ! want some more ? “

  8. +Anthony Long

    No. I live in Sweden and I’m getting one of those in three weeks. A couple
    of days ago I visited the puppie and they had long tails! That is not a
    naturall length for a boxer’s tail. 

  9. That baby loves puppies especially their ears kind of reminded me of Mike
    Tyson. 😉 Oops. Then when the baby’s arms tried to scoop up the puppy even

  10. Don’t buy your pets online, don’t buy from breeders, puppy mill, this is
    what happen when you buy from them…you are helping them to continue with
    animal abuse. “Adopt a pet from your local animal shelter.”
    South Carolina Puppy Mill Rescue:

  11. In a few years, I would like to rescue a dog that has been through
    something like this. I would be honored to be the person, to give a dog in
    this position the life they deserve! Great things you all are doing. 

  12. When i am old enough my mum said I can get a puppy from the pet shop BUT I
    said I am NOT getting a puppy from a pet shop I am so now I am going to the
    shelter to buy my forever dog.

  13. I have just rescued a 6 month old Shih Tzu puppy who had incredibly matted
    fur and has severe hip dysplasia (see my videos for clips of her walking).
    I’m trying to raise funds to give her the hip operation she so desperately
    needs but before she can be eligible for surgery she needs to build muscle
    mass in her legs. I am trying to raise money to buy her an orthopedic hip
    brace so that she can exercise safely as not do herself anymore damage. If
    I could just ask that you take 2 minutes to view my videos, like, comment,
    share – whatever you can! I would REALLY appreciate it!!!!!! I am
    determined to give Rosie a good quality of life – she has been dealt a
    terrible hand in life, she doesn’t deserve it – THANK YOU

  14. What I just watched was horrible. Last night’s video,though, beat the cake
    of what goes on when these animals reach the companies and laboratories
    that use them for experimentation. That was/is really sad. Once these
    animals have served their useful purpose for the experiments performed on
    them they are then killed and disposed of as garbage. The people who worked
    in these laboratories, whether it be a company or university laboratory
    have no compassion what so ever. Some of the experiments consists of
    drilling holes in the animal’s eyes, head, etc. And worse yet,
    intentionally, inflicting pain needlessly. I was just watching the old
    Showtime series, Penn And Teller. Now, they support that animal research
    has done us much good. I disagree with their facts. I don’t see how using
    animals in experiments could make great advances in medical research. An
    animal’s anatomy is much different than that of a person. In fact
    Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine has stated that many
    medicines put on the market because of animal research, and being FDA
    approved have been more of a detriment than a help in curing diseases.
    Also, one should look at the process of how we get our milk, eggs, poultry,
    beef, and pork. It’s appalling to look at the process that takes place from
    live animal to death in the slaughterhouse, it’s totally barbaric. Having
    said all this, I don’t condone extreme radical measures to eradicate such
    practices such as firebombing university or company laboratories. There are
    more civil ways to combat puppy mills, animal experimentation, and stress
    more humane methods to put our dairy, meat, poultry, and put pork on our
    dinner tables. 

  15. Don’t buy your pets online, don’t buy from breeders, puppy mill, this is
    what happen when you buy from them…you are helping them to continue with
    animal abuse. “Adopt a pet from your local animal shelter.”
    South Carolina Puppy Mill Rescue:

  16. This is truly beautiful on what you guys did. It made my heart break when I
    saw those animals locked up like that. But you rescued them. May God’s love
    be with you

  17. I always wanted when I was older to have this job to recuse puppy dog/any
    animal for abuse I feel so sad when I watch these but then I am think.
    Don’t worry there going in to a different home where they can start a new
    life have a different color on life

  18. Aww, this is so cute! I’m glad you guys got the dogs out of there. The dogs
    deserve to get the heck out of that stupid dirty cage and be a dog.

  19. Ces terribles, la condition que ses animaux vivent (comment des etre
    humains équilibré peuvent faire subir de telle condition à nos amis les
    animaux!!!).Quel chatimen,devront nous faire subir à notre tour pour faire
    comprendre que ces inacceptables comme condition?? 

  20. You are doing the right thingg. I may be 12 years old but I know you are
    the nicest people I ever met in my 12 years of life. I love you guys so
    much and I want you to be paid 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 and a lot more 0″s
    xD for your awesome behavior

  21. I’m so thankful that they are in good hands. Reading the sign “no
    trespassing, violators will be shot” makes me sick. I can’t believe in who
    would do such a thing.

  22. Omg people really do this !?? This is so sad && I live in South Carolina ..
    I glad y’all got them n they are safe n healthy now..

  23. I don’t understand how anyone can do this to poor animals, it makes me sick
    to my stomach and makes me cry. I am a dog lover and a cat lover so if I
    hear this stuff going on it tears my heart in two. :'(

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